Classic Shaving Benefits

The benefits of classic shaving are far greater compared to the conventional multi-blade approach, which is why classic shaving is one of the fastest growing trends today. Let's take a look at some of these benefits in detail so you can understand why so many have made the switch. 

  • A closer shave with less irritation –  A single blade safety razor rarely gets clogged, and when it does it is very easy to clean mid-shave.  There is no match for the efficiency of a safety razor, and that clean swipe on each pass results in less skin irritation too.
  • Environmentally friendly – The only waste created from classic shaving is a single blade every few shaves. Conventional shaving methods involve plastic disposable razors or expense shaving cartridges that are routinely thrown in the trash. There are also no synthetic chemicals or aerosol shaving cream cans either, just some amazingly smelling soap of your liking and some water.  
  • Save money –  Although classic shaving requires a higher initial investment (which by itself is worth it for the better shave), it is significantly cheaper over the long term.  Over a 2-year period, for shavers who shave twice/week, it costs the classic shaver about $120, but costs the conventional Mach3 shaver about $400.  With that said, the savings only grow over time. 
  • The experience – applying aroma-therapeutic lather and shaving with a high-quality classic shaving tool is refreshing and therapeutic, on top of the premium shave results.

Once you experience these benefits, there’s no going back.