Classic Shaving 101


Loading the Razor:

  1. Unscrew the handle
  2. Place the blade between the bottom and top plates (WARNING: The blades edges are very sharp; avoid touching the blade edges)
  3. Screw the handle back on
(Safety Tip: Cover the razor head & blade with a washcloth and unscrew/screw by turning the handle, not the razor head)

    Creating Lather

    1. Place the soap puck in a mug/bowl/tin
    2. Add some water to the brush and whip the soap in a circular motion
    3. Continuing whipping until sufficient lather is generated (add water slowly, as needed)



    1. Lather your face with the shave soap and brush
    2. Shave with the grain and let the weight of the razor do the work (do not apply additional pressure) – GO SLOW if you’re new to this.
    3. For harder areas, shave against the grain where needed, but go slow until you get the hang of it.

    First-time User Tips:

    • WARNING: The blades are very sharp. Avoid touching blade edges.
    • CAUTION: For novice safety razor users – DO NOT use a safety razor for the first time before a big event (e.g. wedding). Nicks/cuts are typical for first time shavers.  Practice first!  Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it after a few shaves.  
    • BRUSH PREP: Your brush is real badger hair. Rinse with warm soapy water before first use. Some shedding initially is expected.